Neutral Gamer

CRank: 13Score: 38790

Wow, considering how well it's sold, it's a good thing Bizarre Creations decided to charge for it. Must have brought in a nice amount of cash.

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Gears does end up beating Halo 2's sales then just imagine how MASSIVE Halo 3 is gonna be!

$200+ million in one day? Yeah baby, yeah!

I don't think Micorosoft are gonna be too worried about the future now that they've got two such powerful and profitable exclusives - they're two games that people would BUY an Xbox 360 for. And that's not even including all the other exclusive and non-exclusive 360 games.

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like Microsoft making DirectX 10 only available on Windows Vista might pay off - for them anyway, not us consumers though!

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... when you consider how badly the music part of their stores have been performing. Businesses are realising there's higher margins and more money to be made in games.

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha, has a nice ring to it!

"How high do you want to go today?"

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... unfortunately there are some people on this website, who as soon as someone disagrees with their viewpoint, immediately label them as Sony or Microsoft fanboys.

As you rightly said his ONE speech bubble says it all !

Everyone's got a right to an opinion, but don't just rudely dismiss people as fanboys unnecessarily people! Use the Agree and Disagree links and make intelligent, well founded counter arguments.

6292d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forget everything else, having played on my mate's PSP numerous times all I'd want is another analogue stick.

Speeding up those loading times wouldn't go a miss though - having loading screens just for a menu screen to come up (Tony Hawks I think it was) is too much!

6292d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha ha, that's funny!

I've always wanted to get myself an iMac or a MacPro especially now that you can run Windows on them so easily. But for the equivalent cost you can get a higher specced PC.

Still they do look absolutely gorgeous, something you can't normally say about PC's!

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least I don't have to worry about whether my pre-order will be available or not!

I have to admit this is in stark contrast to when the Xbox 360 was released in the UK.

Maybe it really is too expensive for the general public?

Still, on a positive note, at least we won't have any annoying scalpers profiting from low supply on eBay like they did with the 360.

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd love to say that the cores were gonna be used to give us 4000 frames per second in Quake 4(!), but in reality they'll probably be used to speed up advanced 3D rendering programs or complex simulation work.

Until developers change the way they write their programs to make use of more cores we won't see much of a difference. With so many dual core processors on the PC at the moment, the future looks bright!

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mate, I've noticed that you've submitted a lot of News Tips. Why don't you take the Contributor Test, then you can post some Xbox 360 stories.

I like both consoles, but you're right there has been a lot of PS3 stories posted recently.

More of us need to become contributors so we can make the site more balanced. I failed the test last time I took it, this time I'll look at the guidelines rather than just try and fluke it!

6293d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're right, I didn't know that!

Wow, imagine how different things could have turned out if Halo had never come out on the Xbox or been a console exclusive for it.

The Xbox might have failed and we wouldn't be playing on our 360's today - thank god for Halo!

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't remember many original Xbox games (apart from Halo 2) topping the UK all format charts, yet here we have yet another Xbox 360 game to do so along with the several before including Dead Rising and Lost Planet.

Does this mean the Xbox 360 is performing better than the original?

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You said: "Does anyone STILL believe the 360 can outperform the PS3?"

I'm no fanboy but last time I looked the Xbox 360 had sold more consoles than the PS3. So from a purely grammatical point of view you should have said:

"Does anyone still believe the PS3 can outperfrom the 360?"

This is where you say, "but the Xbox 360's been out for over a year!"

EXACTLY. What you meant to say was that you believe tha...

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree completely, if people just stepped back a sec and looked at the market, they'd realise that us gamers never had it so good.

Who cares about consoles, let's talk about games!

Let's get those two speech bubbles of yours up a bit ...

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With there not being a clear winner in this generation it means the big three have to work harder to try and entice us to buy their consoles and ultimately their games.

As any economist will tell you, competition is always good for the consumer, it brings prices down, provides more choice and encourages companies to make a better quality product to remain competitive.

We should ALL have a big grin on our face - why are we fighting?
Here's my grin: :-)

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One word sums up why the PC gaming scene will never die:

PC's are always gonna be ahead when it comes to technology because, unlike consoles, they can be upgraded.

Sure, it's expensive, but when you're a hardcore gamer, you're never gonna see a console with a 1Gb graphics card and 4Gb of system memory using DirectX 10 and playing Crysis in all its glory unless you wait for the next console generation.

Much longer than a PC gamer will ...

6293d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In that case, Jack, why don't you sue all violent Hollywood films and TV shows a lot of which show much more realistic and gratuitous violence than any video game?

When will this guy stop?

How did such an idiot manage to become a lawyer?!

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No probs mate, thanks for clearing that up! Cheers.

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Whats funny is EVERYONE ABOVE except BluPrint is a hardcore PS3 fanboy"

Have you ever read any of my comments or my bio?

I AGREE with your comment on Sony fanboys always calling Gamespot biased but I sure as hell don't agree with being called a fanboy myself. That's madness, I hate fanboys!

If you read my previous comments or bio I'll expect you to give me an apology mate ...

6294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment